重庆國(guó)际复合材料股份有(yǒu)限公(gōng)司(以下简称“國(guó)际复材” “公(gōng)司”) 成⽴于1991年,是云天化集团有(yǒu)限责任公(gōng)司玻纤新(xīn)材料产(chǎn)业的重要⽀柱企业。公(gōng)司专注于⾼性能(néng)新(xīn)材料,致⼒于研制品质(zhì)稳定、持续创新(xīn)的⾼性能(néng)产(chǎn)品,為(wèi)客户提供有(yǒu)价值的服務(wù)和应⽤解决⽅案,是⼀家以研发、⽣产(chǎn)、销售玻璃纤维及复合材料為(wèi)核⼼业務(wù)的⾼新(xīn)技(jì )术企业。國(guó)际复材下设北美公(gōng)司、欧洲公(gōng)司和⾹港公(gōng)司3家销售⼦公(gōng)司,在重庆、珠海、常州以及海外的巴⻄、巴林等地建有(yǒu)⽣产(chǎn)基地,玻纤纱年产(chǎn)能(néng)突破100万吨,玻纤布年产(chǎn)能(néng)达到2亿⽶。公(gōng)司玻璃纤维产(chǎn)品品种主要包括⽆碱玻璃纤维⽆捻粗纱、细纱、短切纤维、⽅格布、织物(wù)等,产(chǎn)品质(zhì)量得到合作(zuò)伙伴的⼴泛认可(kě)。
Chongqing Polycomp International Corporation (hereinafter referred to as "CPIC" or "the Company"), established in 1991, is an important pillar of Yuntianhua Group Co., Ltd. in the new glass fiber material industry.
As a high-tech enterprise with the core business of R&D, production and sales of glass fibers and composite materials, CPIC focuses on new high-performance materials and is committed to developing high-performance products with stable quality and continuous innovation, so as to provide customers with valuable services and application solutions.CPIC has 3 sales subsidiaries in North America, Europe, and Hong Kong of China, respectively. It has established production bases in Chongqing, Zhuhai, and Changzhou of China, as well as in Brazil, Bahrain, the United States, and Morocco. CPIC has an annual production capacity of 1 million tons of glass fiber yarns and up to 200 million meters of glass fiber cloth.CPIC produces a wide range of glass fiber products, including alkali-free glass fiber woven roving, spun yarn, chopped fiber, checked cloth, and fabric. It has earned widespread recognition from its partners for the quality of its products.
As a fiberglass pioneer, CPIC keeps the continuous progress as a firm belief